Tuesday, July 20, 2010

This is an email I just wrote to my so-very-reachable sisters:

So- this is a picture of a HUGE spider, that i killed tonight. im pretty sure i shed a tear, and was sweating bullets thinking it was going to kill me in my sleep, and nick. and i called you BOTH for moral support, and you didn't pick up. some sisters you are!!! (although i dont blame you because its possible that you thought i was calling about a loud crashing noise that ended up being a picture frame... again). lord help me.

This picture does not do it justice at all. It was about the width of my hand including its legs, and it's body was like the size of 2 quarters, thick, and FURRY. I smashed it so hard, and after 20 mins of me trying to figure out how i was going to get it outside (thats when i called you both), i went over to it with a spatula and it sensed me and MOVED ITS ONLY WORKING LEG. the other legs were separated and a few inches from the body. so i counted down "3-2-1" and smashed the shit out of it again, until it was a small pancake.

I then continued to search pictures on google images, determined to figure out what kind of spider it was, and what it would have done to nick if it had reached him!!

i have never been so scared in my life.
....the life of 116 central....

more wine please. it looked like some genetic mutation occurred between a frog and small BIRD.
UGH. repulsive.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Night Running

I've been coaching up a storm these days!
I went to Rutgers camp last week and slept in the dorms (bed check, the whole sha-bang) with my teammates that were also coaching. It was so fun. I've NEVER had fun coaching a camp, I'll be honest. 100 degree whether, young children each wanting a lolipop because they all 'deserve' them - God forbid someone actually wins a prize and the rest of the kids don't. But I actually had FUN... mostly because of my teammates being there. My mom asked me today if it made me miss it so much that I wish I had another year to play. I definitely wish I was not done yet, but I don't wish I was playing for another year, if that makes sense. I know God put every situation in my life for a reason, transferring and all, and I've learned and continue to learn from all of it!
We woke up at 5:50am one morning of camp to go to the weight room. My (former- eek) teammates are doing their summer workout packets, and I just ran to prepare for this race. I can't even say how proud I am of my girls waking up at 5:50am on a morning they were going to have the coach ALL day in the blazing sun. They are dedicated and awesome. I know this year will be great for them, and I'll be cheering them on from the sidelines for sure. Lord knows I'm not sitting in the stands.. Laura, save me a seat on that bench!

I went for a run tonight at 9 just as it was getting really dark. It was awesome! I got home just in time to watch "Bethanny Getting Married". Love love love it. I'm sore and sweaty.

I've had a few run-ins with the cops in Montclair...
Not for terrible reasons :) Just random car trouble, fights at the high, and innocent house parties. But the other night goes down in history for 116 Central Ave.
I'm mid-step into the shower on the 3rd floor when I hear the biggest/loudest crash I've ever heard. Glass hitting wood? Wood slamming plastic? Plastic slamming glass? I wasn't sure. All I knew was that K.Rich was downstairs and not answering my screams for her name. So I ran down to peep the sitch (check out the situation). My mom was sitting in our arm chair on the porch, silent I might add. I said "Mom? Talk to me, did you hear that?". "Yeah." "Okay.. what happened?" "Well.. I don't know..it.. I don't know." So Im thinking 'great... get the phone.. call the cops'. So long story short, I call the cops, in my bath towel. And after 4 cops searched the house, the found that a huge painting that my uncle created had fallen from the wall on the second floor. We apologized to the Montclair cops (who, by the way, looked extremely bored on their way up the front walk, so I don't feel bad), and got on the with the night. Ohhh the life of two ladies at 116 Central. Gotta love it.

I'm so thankful for my life right now. God is good

Friday, July 2, 2010

I just got home from a fun week in Minnesota! Lucky me, I got to be nanny aunt faith for the week. Having a niece and nephew is really the best thing ever. I flew to Chi-town and then to Fargo, and I'm convinced they are the 2 windiest cities in the country. Not fun in little planes! Barf.
Teags is starting to talk a lot and is on her way to being a sweet lax player after I brought her 1st stick in my bag. Not sure if she knows exactly what to do with it.. but it's cool, she'll grow into it, I'm convinced (it's in the genes).
My race training was put on hold this week. Oops. I thought about running every day, but couldn't get myself to do it. It's fine, I'm not trying to be Usain Bolt (spelling is prob totally wrong), just trying to finish the race, which I know I'll do. Plus, running in that wind is not worth it. Although I did manage to buy a "Run for your life" Fargo Marathon t-shirt, ha. Acting like I actually ran it! How funny. We can pretend.
I went straight from Newark airport into the city last night to meet some friends, slept there, then this morning transferred my clean stuff from my "fargo bag" into my "maryland bag" for a coaching trip I'm about to leave for in an hour. Driving south + 4th of July weekend = pray for me!

I considered for about one second smuggling fireworks back with me, but considering the security lady in the Fargo airport blacklighted my ID, that would not have been smart.

Off to watch tennis. Perfectly happy to switch my attention from World Cup to Wimby.

Monday, June 21, 2010

World Cup Nonsense.

I didn't run today.. Oops. Shoot.
Now that that's out of the way...

Caution: Do not continue if you are a soccer fan...
Just as I was getting slightly more pumped about soccer.. today happened. I've never seen anything more annoying (not a very descriptive word, I know, but true), or tedious than the games today. First of all 7-0? Enough said. THEN, game 2 was painful. Not ACTUALLY painful for the players, because we all know they only get hurt about 10% of the times that they act like they're hurt, but painful pour moi ! Anyone who has ever played sports, we grow up to be tough, and not acknowledge pain unless you can no longer perform for your team, in which case you ask for a sub, and get the hell off the field for good (or til after you get stretched). So I'm thinking about boycotting for the rest of the World Cup because my friends at RU on the soccer team could outlast all these soccer guys for hours on the field. I never ONCE saw my roommates drop to the ground in agony, and then get up and be playing for the rest of the game.
I don't get it. Phew. Had to get that off my chest.

I'm leaving for MN on Thursday to see the fams, and meet West for the first time. So pumped!
I must go, Real Housewives of NJ is calling.

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty." Psalm 91:1

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Genna's Family Blog



I thought I was going to give up on the blog thing because I have the "who cares about me enough to read my blog" syndrome. But I decided to start it up again because although I originally thought my life got slightly more boring after graduation, I still have fun, awesome things going on, and want to write about them!
#1 - I graduated! That's nuts. Oh how far I've come since my past thoughts of "I'm not sure college is for me." HA. Oh really, Faith? One of the best pieces of advice I've ever gotten was from Alyse during my freshman year at Tech. "Is it possible for you to just take things less seriously?" I took seriously the reality that I knew I needed to transfer schools, and then the 'taking things as serious and intense as possible phase' ended. I got to Rutgers and loved every second of it, mainly the lacrosse part, and teammates part (Obviously). I could play lacrosse for the rest of my life, I'm pretty sure. I miss it so much already.
#2 - I'm training for a race!! It's a 92 mile team running race that I'm running with 6 other dudes. Lord help me. I've reached out to Oliver Knowlton about how to train and which phases to run, etc etc. I'm excited!! But one thing: I thought I had my DAD'S GENES!!! Apparently not his long distance running genes because this mess is ROUGH! I ran 4 miles today at 2 in the afternoon and I'm dead. Lord help me.

One thing I am looking forward to is running a) because my pops is going to be proud and b) for our little sister Genna. She has NF, a type of brain cancer, and came to many of our games at school. She is the sweetest, most upbeat, awesome, kind, creative, and energetic little girl and if I complete this race for any reason it's going to be because Genna has overcome SO many challenges and she's basically only half my age. GO her!

My next post is going to be about soccer and this world cup stuff... people may be mad at me.. but they'll deal.



Tuesday, March 23, 2010

On to 'Cuse.

Solid win for us at DU.. but on to 'cuse now. We had a very long hard practice today because we're not playing until Sunday. But that's okay.. we have a lot of preparing to do for Syracuse, who just only lost to Northwestern by 1 goal.
I have a midterm tonight that I've chosen to postpone studying for in place of watching film on 'cuse. Senioritis hit yesterday apparently.
Teags had her own short stack of pancakes at ihop today.. reports Alyse. I wish I could have witnessed that! Cute.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring Break 2010

My first post!
We are in Denver for spring break (playing DU tomorrow).
I'm sitting in the lobby waiting for Grandma Babs and mom to get here from the airport.
It is a total blizzard. Yes, we left 70 degree weather to come here for spring break. But it's okay, because it's business, and we'll be home with a win by Sunday night.
It was fun preparing our gameplan in this weather.. but it's totally fine because I only have 2 months of this left for my entire life. Scary. And sad.
DU win tomorrow! Go RU.